Missing years of educating

I have missed few schooling years due to the war in Iraq.. the first time was in 2006 when we moved to Syria. We received threats, therefore my sister and I left school for a year. Then we moved to Syria.

I guess it is normal for all of us Iraq’s the fact that we missed few schooling years here and there, I mean to think about it is not a big deal at all. I used get upset for being the oldest in my class at the start it was difficult to make any friendships, but then things stared to get easier.

I studied up to year 7 in Syria then i came here. Most of my good friends in Syria that am still in touch with, actually younger than me.. they were born in 2000! But they are the ones I go to when I’m having a bad day.. While my time with them, I saw how they got a big  mind and their own independent opinions, but of course they are underestimated by adults. Continue reading “Missing years of educating”