I support Al-Assad System!

OKAY, I really tried not to show any bias when it comes to Syria, but I’m going to be straightforward with you. I’m a supporter of the Al-Assad  regulation, I do believe that the country is better when Bashar Al-Assad is the president than his father! However, that doesn’t means I agree with the siege he made on some civilians, it doesn’t means I agree with blood-shading for those who disagree with the system or I consider anyone from the Syrian Free Army as a threat!

I have friends who are with and against the Al-Assad system, we never actually brought up what we thinks and explain why. About a month I meet a Syrian guy “I’ll call him the poet” He is from the middle of Damascus, typical city boy you would meet.

We were talking about Turkey Coup, The poet, my friend I’ll call her Water and.. so it won’t like this.. Continue reading “I support Al-Assad System!”

Missing years of educating

I have missed few schooling years due to the war in Iraq.. the first time was in 2006 when we moved to Syria. We received threats, therefore my sister and I left school for a year. Then we moved to Syria.

I guess it is normal for all of us Iraq’s the fact that we missed few schooling years here and there, I mean to think about it is not a big deal at all. I used get upset for being the oldest in my class at the start it was difficult to make any friendships, but then things stared to get easier.

I studied up to year 7 in Syria then i came here. Most of my good friends in Syria that am still in touch with, actually younger than me.. they were born in 2000! But they are the ones I go to when I’m having a bad day.. While my time with them, I saw how they got a big  mind and their own independent opinions, but of course they are underestimated by adults. Continue reading “Missing years of educating”

War On Terror: Was it a fair war?

2003: we will free Iraqi people from Saddam “that what they said ”
We will send our army to fight for you “that what they said”
We will take Saddam down & “that what they said” 🙂
more and more of this bullshit.. And ya ofc the news/ media has supported that! “America has sent their defence force to free the Iraqi people from the criminal Saddam) =)
“Yes we can’t deny Saddam wasn’t the best president for Iraq,”But was it really for our best? Continue reading “War On Terror: Was it a fair war?”

How does it feel being homesick

It’s like there’s no right quote and no perfect words your hand can write or use to describe that feeling!
Even YOU your self can’t explain it!
It’s a hole inside of you which you can’t see or find it but you do know it’s existed, you do feel it in there ..
You feel the air leaking into it.. As it keep trying to full that empty space inside of you!
It is just some kinda of unexplainable feeling. You feel it each day as it keeps growing inside of you!
You DO NOT have any control on it! It just keep growing and growing! It keeps killing you day after day as you face your reality..
You WILL NEVER come back there! That crucial possibilities of you might even die here without even coming back!
Continue reading “How does it feel being homesick”

Karada Booming 3rd of July 2016

For the last week, I been chocked, confused and lost, I cried as I felt the agony for those young men who died in the Karada booming! I couldn’t put my words together, my thoughts  were all over the place, I couldn’t sleep or think probably.

Just how did that happen?!
Is it for real?! Is what happening right now for real? or is it just a dram?!

“Please.. please tell me it’s a dream, this can not be happening now! at least not in the last days of the holy month of Ramadan just few days before Eid Al-Fitr ..!!” Continue reading “Karada Booming 3rd of July 2016”

Are we really alive in this era ?


We all heard about  Orlando shooting indeed it hurts just thinking about this shooting, but are anyone of you really shocked so far?  We are living in so messed up world right now that hearing about this incident wasn’t a shock. It didn’t even move a thing in me. I don’t feel sorry or anything to what happened or for anyone..

Continue reading “Are we really alive in this era ?”